I Love you, Man.
I watched this with little expectation, If my memory serves me correct I don't think it had a good cinema run. It stars Paul Rudd who has done well in supports such as Anchor Man, 40 Year Old Virgin and probably most regonisable from TV show Friends. Along side Rudd is Jason Segel, known for support in Knocked Up and lead star of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
Now the introductions are out of the way we shall begin.
After the first 20-30 minutes I really wasn't enjoying the movie, it was a little awkward and uncomfortable to watch. Until Jason Segel's character arrived, the story really opened up. Watching the two characters bond made me really start to care about them.
Once we had this connection I really started to get into the film. The characters were really well written and acted. Even though the film started off slow it soon redeemed it self and was very entertaining.
It was your typical love story, with the twist that it was a buddy friendship, rather than a couple falling in love. But we know how it plays out, they get together, have a fall out, then realise that life is better together than apart. Sometimes they throw in the twist that it appears one of them has already moved on, but they haven't. I love you, man didn't do that, thank god.
So, yeah, you've seen it a thousand times before in all different situation, its a tale that never gets old. Its like that old saying it doesn't matter how many times you've heard the joke, its how its told... Or something like that.
In the case of I love You, Man its told well. It's not got amazing cinematography or a beautiful score, but as far has comedies go its entertaining.
Anyway don't take my word for it, go on the official website (<<

Finally, I Watched Switchblade Romance the other night, French Slasher Horror flick. Thought it was alright, bit of a strange ending. Think they wanted it to be a big twist, or make it clever, but should have left it has a straight out man killing rampage. The colour was really nice, had a subtle green tone. Made the whole picture look expensive and stylised, but didn't distract from the story. The biggest shock of the film was, coming up to the final third, the revenge section, the protagonist goes after the killer in a stolen sports car, the track NEW BORN by Muse plays. So far the film had been scored, the was the odd track playing from the radio, but this was the only placed track, which I found really obvious. It stuck out, I actually really liked that song and it worked with the visuals. But surely opt for a whole artist soundtrack, rather than just having the one song. Dunno, maybe its just me.
Anyway, I've written the script for another Video Review, Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus. Should record the vocal within the next week or so. Before then there will be a few more blogs. Next film I'm rambling about will probably be Chocolate, Thai Kung Fu film, which was visually stunning. Will most likely go see the big releases at the cinema this weekend, I. Basterds, District 9 and Funny People, which I'll be reporting on in some form of media.
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