Friday 16 October 2009

I have final say!

Pre-production is a strange place for me, being a director it feels like I aren't doing that much, but at the same time completely stressed with how much I've done and will be doing.

I'm involved with everything, but aren't finalising anything. I'm there but, not.

Doesn't make much sense to me either...

Ultimately I have final say on everything! And that I like.

I feel my part is to steer us in the right direction, to set and complete tasks on time.

As well directing the projects I'm also editing and colour grading. Being the editor helps me direct because I'm always thinking about how to shots will edit together, rather than shooting lots of takes and passing them on to someone else.

I've always said good colour and sound can make a piece shit look good, I should know I've filmed shit before.

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