Thursday 17 December 2009



In pre-production we intended to have the sequences that nailed the edits would be a breeze.

Mark put together some really good shotlists/storyboards for the shoot, he also made a corresponding list where one of the crew was making notes on the takes.

(they will be part of his hand in)

After numbering the clips and having the notes on which was the best take, I just followed the storyboard and put the sequence together.

This almost worked perfectly, on the Torture shoot there were a couple of shots that we didn't follow the storyboard exactly. We didn't do this purposely it was an accident from rushing and not reading the storyboard properly.

These few mistakes on set meant the Torture sequence needed shuffling in the edit. The NN storyboard pretty much worked with only slight adjustments. However there was one big problem, two shots didn't edit together well. In one shot Eric has his hand on the door and the next it is on his face.

With us shooting in a strict manner this meant we didn't have any extra shots to play with. I've tried making use of what we shot, but we could have really done with a re-shoot to get some cutaways.

Overall the edits work and this way of shooting makes life easier. The shoot it self even went smoother. A little more work in pre-production and more rehearsal time will mean we'll have this down to perfection.

My editing skills have grown a massive amount over the past year. I'm starting to be able to pre-vis if two shots will edit together and my problem solving as improved. My work flow has also good better and has a group we are improving.

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