For the people that don't know me that well yet...i love films, i spend most of my time watching them and believe i have a good judgement on what makes a good flick. I watch all sorts of films from comedy to world cinema and action to drama, anything.
Here is a couple of films that i have watched over the past week or two that have stuck out.
I've watched or re watched a lot of horror films, for research for my college brief.
MONGOL. The story of Genghis Khan.

Mongol was visually great. The long shots of landscapes in all types of whether looked awesome. The film was so detailed. The battle scenes were very well created and the CGI is subtle, It wasn't like your Hollywood epic battle film. You don't realise that the blood has been CGI'd until you take a closer loook. I would recommend this to anyone, and the rumour on the net is that this is the first of three films.
My only problem with the film was the subtitles, they were difficult to read in parts the lighter parts of the film.

This was a good, a Korean film. Reminded me of the old B-movie films, i didn't know whether to laugh in parts or be scared. Again the visuals were excellant, i've always said that the orients have better use of cinematography and colour balance.
The only thing i could pick at is the sea monster, the interactivity with the monster is very good, but close ups of the monster didn't look as good. I think this is down to the textures, it was very smooth looking. I reckon a bit of texture would have made it a whole lot more believable.
You can see this was inspiration for the recent Cloverfield.

Pete Jackson's finest two hours...only kidding. I re-watched BrainDead having not seen it in a few years. It is quite ridiculous, but thats what makes it good. I don't know where in Peter Jackson's head he thought of a RAT MONKEY! Not only a rat monkey, but one that bites people and turns them into zombies would work... The stupidest ideas truely are the best.
I don't think i've seen a film with this much blood!
I think it was made on a small budget (around 1.5million) and to say that...the SFX are good, their not remarkable or groundbreaking, but for the style of film it works.

What i love about the Shining is the sound, it's not like most horror. It's nice classical music, but every now and then it hits a de-tuned note. It's like John Williams doing horror.

The Incredible shrinking man is remarkable for its time, its a most see film for people interested in visual effects. They were doing things well ahead of there time.

You won't see a film like this now-a-days, because studios will always opt for CGI. The massive sets are really impressive.

I loved every second of this film.
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