Thursday 2 October 2008

after effects

Never used after effects before this week, i've had a understanding about it, how it works and what it does. And, a couple of times i've even opened it clicked a few buttons and closed it down. After effect is a program i have been wanting to learn and i have relished this oppurtunity to learn.

With the few skills i learn't i my first class i made these channel four "fear" title screens.

This is my first attempt

Basically it is a photoshop file and i have layered the layers on top of each other in the correct order and animated them. This technique can work to good effect, used in the right way. I have also used a spot light, to give it a feathered edge.


This attempt is better. I've used the spot light more effectively, animating it, using it to help create an atmosphere. I have also animated a blur on the text.


On this one i have used a mask on the text so that when the spot light intensity gets higher the mask fades in. I believe this works well.


This is similar to the third one, but this time i've used a camera. The cameras in after effect are a great tool, thay enable you to create a 3D style look.

After combining all my skills i have created this ident.

I think that this is pretty close to professional. I've used many skills, Cameras, lights, key frame animation, compositions inside compositions, the lot. I'm really pleased with this effort.

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