First off!
Last week I went to Guerrilla Shorts at Hyde Park picture house. It was really good. Nice to see other shorts and how they are put together. What I took from it was that short films don't try to tell a full story, but a section from a story. Like a couple of scene pulled out of a feature. It's a bi-monthly event so keep your eyes peeled for it because it needs the support. They also take submissions visit there myspace.
I've been reading loads of books about short film making, digital film making, well, anything and everything about film making and how you can achieve good cinema on the cheap. I think that's what I really want to do with my career, make good films with super low budgets. I like finding cheapo ways of doing stuff. MAKING SHORT FILMS was a good read with some nice tips and there is a couple of copies in the college library. Digital Film making by Mike Figgis is great, bought that on play.com for £7. Also, I've reading a load of scripts. its really helped me write one.
Major project. WOW, its going great. We've really hit the floor running. We need to be though because were aiming really high. I've been playing the role of writer and producer so far. Were taking little steps at a time. I finished the screenplay today and Graeme as tidied up my appalling spelling and grammer, plus added and changed some of the action and dialogue for the better. I think we've made a really good team and work hard at it. We was on Skype all weekend mainly arguing or taken the piss, but we also sorted a lot out. The wonders of technology saving me bus fairs. If only we could get it set up in college! I wouldn't have to leave my bedroom.
I went to see a location on Monday, not sure if it'll work, but I was on the phone to Kieran the manager of Subculture (night club in Leeds) this evening and he seemed ok for us to film there, which would work. So all being well that is one location down!
What else
I tried doing a video blog on the weekend for this major project, but its harder than I thought. I'm not that pleasing to listen to, glad I don't have to listen to myself speak on a daily basis, sorry friends! Would still really like to do a Video Diary, so i'll stick at it.
Not sure if there is anything else I've done that I should report. ermmmm...
No thats it.