Heath Ledger as Joker was such a good choice. When i first heard he was taking the role i was a bit unsure, but he did it better than i could ever imagine. And, it's a real shame, i knew he was a talented actor, but this performance will go down in history. Even if he hadn't have died it would have still been a historical performance.
There wasn't enough of the Joker, when he was on screen it was really exciting and you didn't know what he'd do next. Ledgers performance brought so much energy to the film.
It seemed like an introduction to his manic personality and the next film would have shown you the real Joker.
There as been talk on the net that the Joker was written to be in the third film, but rumours have it they've scrapped the script. They don't want to re-cast him, but i think they should. Ledger has brought to life a great character and there must be more than one person who can do character acting well.
On the movie forums Johnny Depp's name is being thrown around, and yeah, i think he'd be good. But, there must be more than Depp around. His name is up for every role.
The SFX were outstanding too. I'm not going to in to them too much. But, it's been awhile since i've seen some real nice big explosions. It's all CGI these days, i'm sure there were CGI in there to make it look bigger. But i remember the days when if you have written that a helicopter gets blown up, then you blow up an helicopter. I understand that its quicker and cheaper to do it CGI, but never looks the same.
All in all, it was a fantastic film, the best this year and it'll be very hard to beat it.

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