After seeing the Sony Rolly my mind started to wonder, most of the time it wondered to the word "pointless". Why would people buy this? Why would people find this fun to watch? Why...Why...Why. It's not like it cleans up after you...and then **TING!** my idea starts.
This week I have been watching many sci-fi films to help my ideas follow, one film that helped this particular idea was The Fifth Element. There is a scene in this film were Gary Oldman knocks a glass off his desk and many small robots appear to clean up the mess. Unfortunately i can't find a picture on the net.
This made me think about a small robot that could clean up, vacuuming sprung to mind. I don't know how many people will remember the robot turtle from primary school. It was basically a small gray dome, which you inputted the number of paces left, right, back and forth with a digital number pad. Again couldn't find a picture on the net.
Imagine if you took this technology to measure the room size and the technology from the Sony Rolly, stick a vacuum to the front and hey-presto you no longer have to push the vacuum cleaner around!
I'll be adding some more to this blog when the idea unfolds a little more.