This month saw the realise of a childhood classic that had been lost in my memory.
One day last week at work i opened a box of deliveries and there it was the DVD of Howard the Duck. I couldn't believe my eyes, the memories came flooding back.
I bought a copy right away for the bargain price of £3.20 (blockbuster discount). When i watched it I was shocked to see that it still looked good! Howard was made in 1986 (the year i was born). So, obviously i wasn't there for the release, but i caught it on TV.
Produced by the KING of Sci-Fi films George Lucas, but not even that saved Howard from bombing at the box office. Hopefully now it can get its glory on DVD.
Howard the Duck is a strange story about a parallel world, with the dominant species being DUCKS. When a scientific experiment goes wrong in our world, Howard gets sucked from his to ours. He lands outside a nightclub where he meets struggling rock singer Beverly. Beverly helps him find away back home through two scientists. But, when they try to send Howard back they accidently suck down the Dark Overload of the Universe. Then its Howard's task to save the world.
You can see how this film failed.
For 1986 the final Dark Overlord effects are great, just as good as The Terminator (2 years before it.) The stop motion is smooth and looks like it was there on set, but obviously it would have been green screened, or black screened, or whatever they used back then.
It also features a young Tim Robbins and a great comic performance by Jeffery Jones.

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